Three options for certifying timber from private land
In 2019, The Royal Forest Department (RFD) amended article 7 in the Forest Act, which permits legal timber harvesting in private land disregard of the timber species. Following the amendment, RFD released guidelines that timber operators can voluntarily follow to certify their timber’s legalities. This issue of timber chain will explore three options described in the guidelines. Following either of these three options will ensure that you have the proof documents to submit to RFD officers when request. The legal proof will also increase confidence in buyers both in the domestic and international markets.
1. Forest plantation certificate
You can register your plot of land as a forest plantation. When the property is registered as a forest plantation, you can request harvest and transport certification from RFD (แนวทางการรับรองไม้ที่ขึ้นในที่ดินที่มีกรรมสิทธิ์หรือสิทธิ์ครอบครองตามประมวลกฎหมายที่ดิน, C.E.2019).
2. Self-declaration
You can choose the self-declaration option to certify that your timber is harvested from your property. During the self-declaration signing, you may request a village headman or a sub-district headman to be a witness. (แนวทางการรับรองไม้ที่ขึ้นในที่ดินที่มีกรรมสิทธิ์หรือสิทธิ์ครอบครองตามประมวลกฎหมายที่ดิน, C.E.2019). RFD is considering giving rights to organizations like the Private Forest Plantation Cooperative Limited to act as a delegate for RFD officer to certify timber origin.* Follow this link for more information on the self-declaration process, forms, and required documents:
3. Timber license as indicated in article 18/1 and 18/2
You can also follow the steps described in an article 18/1 and 18/2 to obtain a timber license (แนวทางการรับรองไม้ที่ขึ้นในที่ดินที่มีกรรมสิทธิ์หรือสิทธิ์ครอบครองตามประมวลกฎหมายที่ดิน, C.E.2019).
Remarks* Self-declaration is still under discussion. And it may be revised further to facilitate different usages.