This annex details:

Conditions for issuing licenses – explains how companies in a VPA partner country will apply for FLEGT licenses to accompany shipments of legal timber and timber products destined for the EU. The annex describes how an applicant’s request will be assessed and which authority will issue FLEGT licenses.

Technical specification of FLEGT licenses – the annex explains technical aspects of FLEGT licenses, such as whether licenses are issued as paper or electronic documents, when licenses become valid and for how long, and the language of the license text.

Practices on invalid FLEGT licenses – the annex on FLEGT licenses clarifies what authorities in the EU and VPA partner countries will do if FLEGT licenses are lost, stolen, damaged, or forged.

What FLEGT licenses should look like – The EU requires VPA partner countries to use a standard format for FLEGT licenses so that competent authorities in EU member states can readily check licenses for the information required. The VPA annex on FLEGT licenses, therefore, includes a template for licenses. Some countries are exploring e-licensing instead of paper licenses.


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