Negotiation structure of the FLEGT VPA

The FLEGT VPA negotiation consists of:

the bilateral negotiation between the National FLEGT Negotiation Committee representing Thailand and the European Commission and the European Delegation to Thailand representing the EU;

the agreement drafting and technical discussion between the FLEGT VPA Subcommittee representing Thailand and the European Commission and the European Delegation to Thailand representing the EU through the Joint Expert Meeting and the Video Conference Meeting;

the FLEGT Ad Hoc Working Group is the national working group of Thailand in charge of the agreement drafting with support from the FLEGT Asia Programme under the European Forest Institute (EFI) – technical meetings between the two sides will be held regularly.

To ensure that the agreement drafting proceeds efficiently and in a timely manner, Sub-Working Groups were formed to draft different annexes under the FLEGT VPA.

For more information on the National FLEGT Committee: link

For more information on the FLEGT VPA Subcommittee: link

For more information on the FLEGT VPA Ad Hoc Working Group: link

Achievement in the stakeholder participatory process

One of the FLEGT VPA’s main objectives is ensuring a strong stakeholder participatory process in which all sectors and genders in the Thai forest sector are represented equally. The equitable stakeholder process will ensure that the FLEGT VPA agreement reflects the real situation and shared needs of everyone and every group, assuring that the agreement is fit-for-purpose, applicable, transparent, and supportive of the sustainable forest sector in Thailand without leaving no one behind.

The Thai-EU FLEGT Secretariate Office (TEFSO) works to support an equal representation of every sector and gender. The participatory statistics between sectors and genders show that Thailand has succeeded in building a strong platform for FLEGT VPA discussion and drafting across sectors and genders.