The FLEGT Sub-Committee meeting no.1/2017

On the 15th February 2017,the Forest Certification section under the Permission Bureau arranged the FLEGT Sub-Committee meeting no.1/2017

At the meeting room no.1, RFD. The meeting receives  accolade from Mr.Cholatit Suratsawadee Director General of RFD to be the chairman. The meeting aims to consider the agenda of National FLEGT Committee meeting which will be arranged on 15 March 2017 at the Ministry of National Resources and Environment.In addition to discuss on TH-EU FLEGT negotiation issues which have been planed to arrange in this year.

For the results from the meeting; the sub-committees approve of National FLEGT Committee agenda and  agree to raise Legal Definition and Product Scope annexes to negotiate with EU as planed.

However, the Director General of RFD realized  and pay attention to solve the problem which mention in Gap/Issue paper. In this case, RFD is responsible for solve related problems and will coordinate with another agencies for this issues.

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