The Consultation on Integrating REDD+ with FLEGT under New York Declaration on Forest

On the 22th of January  2018 – International Forestry Cooperation Office arranged the meeting to consult on integrating REDD+ with FLEGT under New York Declaration on forest. The meeting has the director of Planning and Information Bureau as a chairman of the meeting.

       Many government, private and international sectors which operate on REDD+ and FLEGT VPA attended the meeting. To illustrate, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Private Forest Cooperative Limited, RECOFTC, EFI, EU Delegation, Reforestation Promotion Bureau, and TEFSO also joined this meeting.

        At the meeting, there were presentations about the implementations which are related to REDD+ and FLEGT VPA including New York Declaration operations. In addition, the meeting also consulted on connection between the three projects which are the implementations on encouraging of sustainable forest management, increasing  carbon sequestration and decreasing carbon dioxide emissions. However, the meeting was resolved to consult on the guideline of practical connection later.

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