Special Visit from EU Consultant

On March 7th, 2018, Mr. Agus Setyarso, an EU consultant, visited TEFSO and had some discussion over National Single Window (NSW). The objective of this visiting was to identify some gaps in the system which Thailand might be in need of any support from the EU. Moreover, Mr. Setyaso also received an update presentation on FLEGT progression of Thailand.

Mr. Setyarso had discussed with the RFD officers over Thailand National Single Window (NSW) after the RFD officers, leading by Mr.Banjong Wongsrisoontron (Director of Forest Certification Office) and Mr. Prateep Lisakulruk (Chief of Forest Checkpoint Information Technology), provided the Thailand-NSW presentation.

In the presentation, the officers provided an update on the NSW process in Thailand together with the performances of the implementation and roles of any relevant agency in the timber trade.

The ideas to link the FLEGT license into Thailand National Single Window and the progression of promoting TH-NSW into ASEAN-NSW were also discussed as it was necessary for the timber trade among the region.

Besides, the consultant also shared some experiences about NSW based on the case study from Indonesia and some other countries.

For the FLEGT Progress in Thailand, Thai side provided some information regarding what has been done, what are under developing, and what is being discussed so far. Importantly, we gave an update on our preparation for the upcoming JEM3.

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