Meeting between Inspector General of Ministry of National Resources and Environment and the technical consultant, TEFSO

On 3 March 2018, Mr. Pralong Damrongthai, Inspector General of Ministry of National Resources and Environment, paid a visit to the Thai-EU FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO) and had a meeting with Ms. Panjit Tansom, a technical consultant of Thai-EU FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO).

The meeting was aimed to discuss the preparation for Joint Expert Meeting 3 (JEM3) which will be held on 21-22 March 2018 at Rama Gardens Hotel, Bangkok and to exchange views on the working process of FLEGT, the EU timber regulations aimed to reduce illegal logging by ensuring that no illegal timber and associated products can be sold in the EU.

The joint expert meeting (JEM) is the meeting arranged with an objective to technically discuss the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) paper of Thailand between the EU and Thailand.

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