Internal discussion on Importing control and unregulated species verification

On 12 September 2560 – Thai EU FLEGT secretariat office arranged the Internal discussion on Importing control and unregulated species verification. According to the resolution of the 3/2560 AHWG meeting, The director of Royal Forestry Department make an appointment for three team to discuss on 12 September 2560 at 09.00 a.m. – 12.oo p.m. at the second meeting room, The Royal Forestry Department.

The purpose of the meeting aimed to find a clear solution and preparation on technical dicussion with EFI on 14 September 2560.

The results of the meeting are divided as follow:

  • TH Due Diligence System working group presented guidelines for the development and drafting of the Due Diligence System of Thailand to complement the control of Thailand’s timber imports by studying the wood imported control from Vietnam, Lacey Act, certification by Thailand Industrial Standard 2861 and DDS requirements for EU standards
  • Self-manifestation working group presented the self-manifestation form and the self-manifestation which is certified by government agencies form. The forms have 4 main details consist of 1. Owner information 2.Land information 3. Tree information and 4. Rights and authority to certify.
  • Self-manifestation which is certified by government agencies working group offered the Private Forest Plantation Cooperative Limited as the Third Party certification because the Private Forest Plantation Cooperative Limited has a member registration system that can verify the origin of wood. It can refer to the true identity of the members and the planted trees, forbidden trees and
  • The meeting requested the three subgroup meeting team to provide the information for discussion at the Technical meeting with EFI on 14 September 2016 at Rama Gardens Hotel.

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