AHWG on Imported Timber and Unregulated Timber Species no.3/2017

On 31 August 2560, Thai EU FLEGT secretariat office arranged The Third FLEGT VPA Ad-Hoc Working Group at Rama Gardens Hotel , Bangkok, which has Mr.Chonlatid Suraswadi the General Director of Royal Forestry Department as a chairman of the meeting.

The Third meeting of an Ad-hoc working group aimed to discuss on unregulated timber species on private land which is a gap and still have no guideline or any practical solution. The conclusion of the gap solution are as follows:

  1. Wood Certification Division, Royal Forest Certification present the system and benefits of an E-Tree system.
  2. RECOFTC Representatives present their pilot project which strengthens small agriculturist in terms of reaching timbers and trading legal timbers.
  3. Ms.Pawanee Udommai presents her study on verification of illegal timber on the private land.
  4. Thai HEVEA Wood Association.
  5. The Federation of Thai Industries presents The National Verification (TIS 2861)


The resolution of the meeting are as follows:

  • Importing timber control – The meeting agree on track back verification of Due Diligence System (DDS) and Establishment on Due Diligence System Working group for designation of Thailand.
  • Timber verification on private land – The meeting agrees on divided the Ad-hoc working group to find a solution for verifier timber on private land into 3 solutions which are self-verification, third party verification, and electronic verification such as E-tree system.
  • DDS working group arranged the self-verification, third party verification, and will arrange a clinic meeting  8 September 2560 and publishing the information on the next meeting.
  • The director of Royal Forestry Department make an appointment for three team dicussion on 12 September 2560 at 09.00 a.m. – 12.oo p.m. at the second meeting room, The Royal Forestry Department. The meeting aimed to find a clear solution and preparation on technical dicussion with EFI on 14 September 2560.
[ENG] AHWG On Imported Timber and unregulated timber species discussion No.3 2017
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