Thailand hold side event during the Asia Pacific Forestry Week (APFW) on promoting timber legality.

The Royal Forest Department of Thailand organized a side event during the Asia Pacific Forestry Week (APFW) that aimed to share Thailand’s experiences in promoting timber legality. The event, titled “Strengthening Integrated Forest plantation and Land Management Approaches to Achieve the Legal Timber trade and marketing” was held under Stream 4:
Promoting responsible trade and markets.  Presentations were made on three themes:

1) Thai Timber Legality
2) The participatory process under the FLEGT VPA in Thailand
3) Technology to support timber traceability and land management

The Event gathered 25 participants of several countries representatives such as from Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Korea, Viet Nam and Thailand, as well as several representatives from international organizations, i.e. the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), The Japanese Development Agency (JICA), European Forestry Institute (EFI), etc.

“This is a great combination of participatory, technical skills, legal aspect and role of government to involve the voices of civil society.”

Yoko Orita, JICA

      There was a good exchange of knowledge and experience on the promotion of transparent and participatory processes, innovative technologies, certification issuance and good practices on sustainable land management. The need for linkages and integrated approaches, multi-stakeholder engagement and partnerships were highlighted by the participants.

      The Event was organized by the Royal Forest Department in collaboration with the Land Development Department of Thailand; and facilitated by FAO and Forest Trends.

For more information about the APFW please visit 


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