The 8th Ad-Hoc Working Group meeting (AHWG8/2018)

On December 20th, 2018, Thai – EU FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO) had arranged the 8th ad-hoc working group meeting of the 2018 at Rama Gardens, Bangkok. The meeting led by Mr Banjong Wongsrisoontorn, the director of Forest Certification, Thai Royal Forest Department.

This meeting aimed to provide updates on the development of Thai Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) document and Supply Chain Control table, more importantly, aimed the meeting to endorse the draft papers to be officially submitted to the European Union (EU).

Additionally, the results from the video conference between Thailand and the EU held on 14th December 2018 was also reported to the meeting as well as the progress of import controls paper development and the project results known as Catalysing sources of Legal Timber and Wood Products project.

The meeting had run smoothly with the discussion and comments for the consultant to revise the draft documents before the documents were endorsed to officially submit to the EU for further process.



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