LD Sub-Working Group Met with LD Consultant for Revising Draft LD Document

On 8th August 2018, Thai – EU FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO) had arranged a sub-working group meeting at Kasetsart-University-Alumni building meeting room (2nd floor). The meeting led by Ms Pavinee Udommai, the consultant over Legality Definition revision. According to the LD field-test result, the consultant had revised on indicator, verifier, and description of verifier parts in order to bring more consistent. There had also been added more description on verifying procedures by including operator, government officer, as well as the details of verifying procedures (What to be verified, when and how)

The meeting aimed to discuss over LD revision and to make clear especially on that in group A. Their main issues were (1) forest timber allowed for specific utilization such as dam or road construction (2) reclaimed timber which presently agreed to determine in the LD as there are the existing law and regulation issued (3) labelling timber and (4) illegal timber, timber with an uncleared source, and timber in dispute which agreed that these timbers will not be allowed to go back in the supply chain control if they were judged as illegal.

There were some discussions regarding rewording in some content and reorganizing some sub-topic flow during the meeting. This was in order to bring more consistency and concise.

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