Video Conference between Thailand and the European Union

On 28 June 2018, Thai – EU FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO) had arranged video conference between Thailand and the European Union (EU) leading by Mr.Pralong Damrongthai, the Inspector General of the Ministry of National Resources and Environment and Mr. Luca Perez, European Commission. This Video conference meeting aimed to prepare for the 4th Joint Expert Meeting (JEM4) and the 2nd Negotiation Meeting (NEG2). The details are as follows.

Legality Definition: LD

Thai side has appointed the sub-working group for legality definition for revising LD. According to the meeting, it was agreed to hire an consultant for revising LD. However, the EU stated their intention to understand Thai’s legal reform as it is seen to be key policy progression of Thailand. Also, the EU urged Thai side to submit LD documents as well as its description to EU before the 4th Joint Expert Meeting (JEM4) for study and prepare prior to the meeting which Thai side agreed to submit the documents within 9th June 2018.

Legality Assurance of Timber on Private Land

Thai side had set a sub-working group for especially discussing over this issues which continually developed related documents. This financially supported by EU via FAO and EFI in order to support working process and consultant in assessing options and possibility of self declaration as well as in developing TLAS and SCC documents. However, the EU suggested to develop field test for all options showing legality assurance of Timber on Private Land and expected that such clearer of each option will be provided after the 4th Joint Expert Meeting (JEM4).

Import Controls

Thai side had also arranged a sub-working group for discussing over import controls and developing its document. According to the 3rd Joint Expert Meeting (JEM3), the sub-working group agreed to apply Due Diligence System with Thai import controls. However, this will be further discuss for its procedures in details and to further bring into a field test development to see its strength and weakness. The EU also stated that the participatory of related stakeholders and sanction for non-compliance is also important. Thai side then informed that the mechanism for non-compliance will be further discussed in details in the 4th Joint Expert Meeting (JEM4)

Product Scope

According to the 3rd Joint Expert Meeting (JEM3), Thai agreed to discuss with the recycle and bamboo – related operators weather bamboo and recycle products should be included in product scope. The EU highlighted that if they are included, the verification system needs to be clear and precise. It was also added that bamboo is presently under consideration to be cut out of the EUTR product scope. However, this will further bring to discussion in the 4th Joint Expert Meeting (JEM4).

Thai Legality Assurance System

Thailand had also set a sub-working group for discussing over Thai Legality Assurance System and developing its document with participation of the stakeholders. Also, a discussion over FLEGT Licensing Unit was arranged and now under consideration. During the 3rd Joint Expert Meeting (JEM3), both Thai and the EU agreed to hire a consultant for documents development support by FAO budget.

VPA Legal Text

Thailand had also set a sub-working group for VPA Legal Text discussion and developed questions in the related issues which were sent to the EU for consideration. However, the EU encouraged Thailand to develop VPA Roadmap for the next negotiation meeting.


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