The FLEGT Sub-Committee meeting no.3/2017

RFD – On 29 May 2017, Mr.Chonlatit  Suratsawadee Director General of RFD and Mr.Pralong Damrongthai, Inspector General of MNRE are co-chairmen of the FLEGT Sub-Committee Meeting No.3/2017 at the meeting room no.1, the Royal Forest Department.

The meeting is a consultation of Thai side to prepare for Joint Expert Meeting (JEM II) and FLEGT VPA Negotiation I (NEG I); and to rehearse about the topic/content which will be presented at the meeting.

The Sub-Committee agrees on the contents which will be discussed on JEM II and NEG I, There are just only few point need to be revised appropriately. After revising, TEFSO will submit the final documents to sub-committee via E-mail for next process.

TEFSO confirms the exactly agenda that the second of  Joint Expert Meeting (JEM II) will be hold on 27-28 June 2017 and the first negotiation will be hold on the 29th and 30th June, 2560 in the afternoon.

Furthermore, the meeting has accepted  the representative from RECOFTC as the observer at JEM II ; accordingly,  they are one of the organizations that has originally  involved in FLEGT VPA program as well.

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