RFD committee meeting on FLEGT no.2/2016

Thailand – On May 4, 2016 at Royal Forest Department (RFD), Forest Certification Office (FCO) arranged RFD committee on FLEGT preparation meeting, Mr.Pralong Damrongthai, DDG of RFD was chairman of the meeting. The main objectives of the meeting were 1) To present FLEGT progress to RFD committee on FLEGT preparation 2) To assign tasks to agencies under RFD to be the head of operation in each annex. The head of operation must provide/edit/revise the draft of each annex, including provide and support technical information and present to stakeholder, committee and chief executive. Moreover, The head of operation have to support budget for arrange the related meeting.

Annex 1 : Product scope is FCO responsibility.
Annex 2 : Legal definition is TEFSO responsibility.
Annex 3 : EU Import Procedures is FCO responsibility.
Annex 4 : FLEGT Licensing Procedures is FCO responsibility.
Annex 5 : TLAS Description is FCO responsibility.
Annex 6 : Supply Chain Controls is Forest Checkpoint Bureau responsibility.
Annex 7 : Independent Audit is Forestry Research and Development Bureau responsibility.
Annex 8 : TLAS Evaluation is Reforestation Promotion Office responsibility.
Annex 9 : Implementation Schedule is TEFSO responsibility.
Annex 10 : Transparency measures is General Administration Bureau responsibility.

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