Sub-Committee (SC) group convened the 2nd SC meeting at Rama Garden Hotel Bangkok to prepare for the 5th Thai-EU Joint Expert Meeting and the 3rd Thai-EU VPA negotiation meeting (NEG 3)

13 August 2020, Sub-Committee (SC) group convened the 2nd SC meeting at Rama Garden Hotel Bangkok to prepare for the 5th Thai-EU Joint Expert Meeting and the 3rd Thai-EU VPA negotiation meeting (NEG 3). Mr. Somsak Sappakosolkul, Deputy Director of the Royal Forest Department, presided over the meeting. The Sub-Committee reviewed JEM 5 and NEG 3 meeting agendas and decided on JEM 5 meeting logistics and content.

The Sub-Committee concurs to include the Thai Timber Legality Definition (LD) revised draft to the JEM 5 discussion. The draft will be presented along with four other annexes that have been agreed upon at the SC1/2020 meeting and National FLEGT Negotiation Committee 1/2020 meeting: THA-TLAS, SCC, IA, and CR.

The 5th Joint Expert Meeting will be a step forward for the FLEGT-VPA negotiation between Thailand and the EU. The meeting will be the first presentation of these annexes that describe the essential elements of the FLEGT-VPA agreement.

For LD, the draft was presented before but had to be revised following laws and legislation that were revised to promote legal timber trade. Aside from the main annexes, the Thai discussion team will discuss with the EU about Product Coverage that may need revision to be more comprehensive. As the import control system is being developed, this will be updated to the EU as well.

The sub-committee will represent Thailand in the 5th Joint Expert Meeting. Leaders of the sub-working groups who are stakeholders from government business sectors and civil societies will give presentations about their responsible annexes.

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