The second of the FLEGT Sub-Committee Meeting

On March 19, 2018 – The Thai EU-FLEGT Secretariat Office (TEFSO) under The Royal Forest Department (RFD) arranges the  second of the FLEGT Sub-Committee meeting which Mr. Pralong Damrongthai, Inspector General of Ministry of National Resources and Environment as the chairman of the meeting

️The meeting is a consultation of Thai side regarding the procedure and documentation preparation for Joint Expert Meeting (JEM III) which is the implementation process under FLEGT VPA, and to rehearse about the topic/content which will be presented at the meeting.

The Joint Expert Meeting (JEM III) will be arranged at The Rama Garden Hotel during the 21-22 March 2018, Bangkok.

The summary of the meeting is as follows:

  1. The details in the product scope annex will be only an official announcement to the EU showing the private sector’s demand in including furniture to the product scope.
  2. A representative of the European Affair Department and of the Department of Trade Negotiations informed that the guide questions concerning VPA Main Text on the presentation no.6 would be sent to the RFD as they cannot attend the meeting.
  3. The secretariat is responsible for coordinating with the Federation of Thai Industries to revise the Self-Declaration Form which is an attachment under the Unregulated Species’ Verification (out of the M.7).
  4. The minute taker assistants as agreed in the meeting are a representative from the Division of Foreign Affair, RECOFT, and Law Offices.
  5. The seat arrangement was agreed with the form proposed by the secretariat.
  6. The meeting was agreed to allow the representatives from RECOFTC and FAO to attend the JEM3 as they are involved with the FLEGT VPA.
  7. The secretariat was proposed to prepare the questions might be raised from the EU during the meeting as to support the Thai Chairman in the meeting.
  8. The next Sub-Committee will be later announced by the Secretariat.



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