The preparation meeting for the second Joint Expert Meeting and the first TH-EU FLEGT VPA negotiation

On 15 June 2017, Thai – EU FLEGT Secretariat Office arranged the preparation meeting for the second Joint Expert Meeting and the first TH-EU FLEGT VPA negotiation at meeting room no.301, 3rd floors, Krit Sama Bhudhi Building, Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. The meeting aims to preparing for the second Joint Expert Meeting and the first TH-EU FLEGT VPA negotiation, Mr.Pralong Damrongthai, Inspector General of MNRE was the chairman of the meeting. The TEFSO officer reported the current progress on logistics and procurement for JEM2 and NEG1 and including discuss on the press conference towards the first negotiation on FLEGT VPA which will be arranged on 26 and 30 June 2017.

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