The LD sub-working group meeting

23 January 2018, TEFSO meeting room – The stakeholders from government, private and CSO sectors arranged the sub-working group meeting in order to consider and give the comments on LD field test report.The comments have been compiled and submit to LD consultants to revised for final report.However,the results from the meeting will be presented to Ad-Hoc Working Group in the next meeting.

Comments from the sub-working group are follows;

  1. The sub-working group agreed to modify LD structure followed in the consultants comments.
  2. The details of verification process should be divided into individual part (i.e. TLAS and SCC).
  3. The meeting agreed omit Chainsaw Act from LD annex.
  4. Should separate and describe the difference between labor and temporary contract regulations into TLAS annex ( This issue will not mention in the annex  until get the resolution between  two sides)
  5. Describe minimum indicator regarding the Child Labor, Alien Labor and related laws according to international level.
  6. Describe indicator and verifier on the FIO Safety and Occupational Health into LD. However, it has been applied to the FIO regulation but it wasn’t mentioned  on LD annex.
  7. Describe indicator and verifier on the Environmental regulations for factory into LD annex.
  8. Independent Monitoring agencies should be discussed among the stakeholders.
  9. Describe restricted timber definition and related information into LD annex.
  10. The meeting agrees to add Khor Tor Chor land into LD annex.
  11. Mr. Jirawat and the meeting resolved to take furniture into Product scope annex.

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