Sub Committee group held the 3rd Sub Committee 3/2020 meeting for the preparation of the 5th Thai-EU Joint Expert Meeting and the 3rd Thai-EU VPA negotiation meeting (NEG 3)

The 3rd Sub Committee meeting was held on August 23, 2020, at Rama Gardens Hotel Bangkok to prepare for the content at 5th Thai-EU Joint Expert Meeting (JEM 5) and the 3rd Thai-EU Negotiation Meeting (NEG 3). Mr. Somsak Sappakosolkul, Deputy Director of the Royal Forest Department, representative of Mr. Attapol Charoenchansa, Director of the Royal Forest Department, presided over the meeting. Thirty-one sub-committee members and proxies from the government, business, sectors, and civil society were present.


It is decided that Thai Timber Legality Definition (LD), Condition for the Release of Free Circulation of Thai FLEGT-Licensed Product (CR), Thai Timber Legality Assurance System (THA-TLAS), Thai Supply Chain Controls (SCC), Independent Audit (IA) will be the main topics of discussion at JEM 5 and NEG 3. Another focus at JEM 5 and NEG 3 is the exchanging of FLEGT-VPA progress between EU and Thailand. The Thai side will present the forestry policies and initiatives that the government stakeholders undertake to promote the FLEGT-VPA process with the primary goal of achieving sustainable development in Thailand. The EU will also update about the progress of FLEGT-VPA.


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