the European Union’s response to illegal logging and the trade in associated timber products.


It is a tool to combat illegal logging and importing of such timber into the EU market


Government, the private sector and civil society stakeholder groups who related with VPA agreement and contribute to involve in vpa process


The system is designed to verify, track, and issue licenses for legal timber to certify its legality.

Good Forest Governance

based on transparent processes; a bureaucracy imbued with a
professional ethos; an executive arm of government accountable for its actions;
and a strong civil society participating in decisions related to forest resources.


The regulation aims to reduce illegal logging by ensuring that no illegal timber or timber products can be sold in the EU.

There cannot specify because it depending on the participation of stakeholder i.e. Government officer, operator, stakeholder, media, etc.
FLEGT VPA Negotiation is promoting the timber legality and governance of all stakeholder i.e. government officer, private, civil society, planter and other related people. For the benefit, it can say it benefits to everybody in country and the world.

For this question, there have to describe in detail because

FLEGT is the EU guidance on elieminate illegal logging. There issues the regultation on timber and their products to forced the operators in the European Union to response on any import risk of illegal timber. Therefore, many people may mistaken as trade barrier which actually not. It is blocking the illegal logging, as FLEGT is Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade.

The activity is about timber Legality Assurance system to support AEC and EU FLEGT consider as academically. It is not a political issue of both parties.
Yes, it is. FLEGT VPA is encouraging operator to avoid and prevent illegal logging into the market. According to economy principle on demand and supply with the promoting of legal logging that can help increase income of entrepreneurs and timber industry along production line. Including to the transparency of government, equitable and reduce corruption which provide convenient and profitble than the illegal logging.
Because of VPA is the negotiation on legality timber trade by participatory process from stakeholder. This will provide balance benefit of timber trade to stakeholder and avoid negative impact to others. Including reducing illegal logging which effect to environmental and economic development; the country can collect tax according to schedule and use to develop the country. This is apart of forest sustainable management.
There are few because of Thailand has law enforcement and agencies that continuously operate and control it.
NSW already start. The user will be public and private sectors including to importers - exporters.
Nowadays, Royal Forest Department (RFD) coordinated with related agencies i.e. police, army, customs and local administrative officers on exchange information on combating smuggler. RFD has policy on protect and suppress illegal logging smuggler as follow:1) Investigating and Arresting
2) Promoting and Publicity
3) Establish a Civil Network for Protection.
4) Training to provide knowledge of the impact of illegal timber.
5) Increase the economic incentive on legal timber.