Interesting News
Engaging MSMEs to formalization: benefits and incentives
Strong law enforcement drives responsible timber businesses in Ghana
South-east Asian countries share progress to tackle illegal logging and its associated trade
Three years of FLEGT licensing: EU and Indonesia take stock of forest governance progress
UNEP-WCMC reports on EUTR implementation
EU and Vietnam ratify agreement on illegal logging and trade in legal timber
Responsible trade in tropical timber: exporting and importing countries explain the actions they are taking
The European Commission adopts a new framework of actions to protect and restore the world
The EU and Laos conclude the third formal negotiation towards an agreement on combating illegal logging and promoting trade in legal timber products
VPA supports increased law enforcement against illegal logging in Indonesia
Responsible trade in tropical timber : exporting and importing countries explain the actions they are taking
SPECIAL REPORT: EU-driven timber certification raises hopes for sustain forest management and forest dwellers’ benefits
Congo, EU guide their 2019 work on forest governance
Liberia and EU review VPA progress and challenges
Cabinet Agreed to Allow 58 Species to Be used as Commercial Collateral
National product safety office carries out first enforcement action
Thai Gov to Allow Cutting Trees on Land with Tenure
British timber operator Hardwood Dimensions (Holdings) Ltd today (2 March) was fined £4,000
Study identifies options for legal timber legislation in China
Save the date! ‘Sourcing Legal Timber 2.0’ conference — 15 March 2018
Reports of joint observation missions in Central African Republic released
EU, Central African Republic reiterate their commitment to implement their illegal logging Agreement
FLEGT Independent Market Monitor publishes first quarterly newsletter
FLEGT Independent Market Monitor publishes first quarterly newsletter
Indonesia and EU celebrate one year of certified legal timber trade
Paper analyses VPA implementation in Indonesia and Ghana
Comparison of illegal logging laws in the EU, the US, Australia and Japan
World Wood-Based Panels Conference addresses timber legality
Timber product exports to hit $8 billion
Ghana champions rights and fair compensation for forest communities
Paper analyses VPA implementation in Indonesia and Ghana
Members of the European Parliament praise the VPA process in Honduras
Myanmar closer to FLEGT-VPA
New briefing introduces the Chinese Timber Legality Verification System
Briefing compares Japan’s Clean Wood Act with the EU Timber Regulation
Lessons and inspiration from Indonesia’s FLEGT experience
Timber product exports to hit $8 billion
A new harvest for Myanmar’s timber sector
Ghana visits Indonesia to learn FLEGT licensing lessons
EU supports Ghana achieve sustainable development
Ghana champions rights and fair compensation for forest communities
EUTR News – June to August 2017
Analysis of gender impacts of the Ghana VPA with European Union
Forest Governance: How Indonesia and Vietnam are Responding to Illegal Logging
Lessons learned from independent forest monitoring in Africa
APEC customs officials learn best practices for detecting illegal timber products
The FAO-EU FLEGT Programme launches a new call for concept notes in VPA countries
Briefing note on the implementation of the EU Timber Regulations, June 2017 – July 2017
Independent forest monitoring evolves, aided by VPAs
The EU Timber Regulation implementation and enforcement updates
Timber industry faces challenges in the voluntary partnership agreement process in forest governance
Laos prepares for talks with EU to promote legal timber trade
FLEGT in Indonesia: An interview with Sulthon M. Amin
FLEGT in Indonesia: An interview with Charles-Michel Geurts
FLEGT in Indonesia: An interview with Victoria Simanungkalit
Policy dialogue: CIFOR co-hosts FLEGT talks in Jakarta
Helping Indonesian craftsmen go global, sustainably
EU and Thailand hold first talks on forest governance and legal timber trade deal
Guyana and EU test timber legality agreement on the ground
Myanmar commits to address gaps in timber legality assurance system for improved forest governance
EU forest pact gives Vietnam timber firms a leg up
12th European Union-Thailand Senior Officials’ Meeting
EU and Congo assess progress towards timber legality verification and other VPA goals
FLEGT roadmap launched in the Philippines
Vietnam wood firms to refuse contraband
Wood product manufactures must not relax, says Indonesian official
EU and Vietnam conclude VPA negotiations
Vietnam Still Smuggling Timber From Cambodia Despite Ban, NGO Investigation Finds
Surprise on the UK forests front
EU timber trade with Indonesia in the spotlight following FLEGT licensing
Ministry to produce teak legally
Laos and EU hold first face-to-face VPA negotiations
Royalties on logging generate GH¢60m
Indonesia: Not all markets require SVLK certified products
FLEGT licensing key to tackling illegal timber
FLEGT Independent Market Monitoring project moves forward
Natural Resource Reform At Home – Not Walls – Will Stem The Tide Of Migrants
Logging Fees Allow River Cess Communities to Get Vocation Training Center
Briefing: Developments relevant to the implementation and enforcement of the EU Timber Regulation, December 2016 to March 2017
Indonesia: Review VPA/FLEGT says furniture and craft association Chairman
Civil society sharing lessons on participation and forest governance
Liberia-EU FLEGT VPA Signed
Timber trade flows and investments between China and VPA countries
Certified timber exports from Indonesia up by 10% in 2016
Liberia-EU hold 5th JIC meeting on progress under legal timber trade agreement
EU policy unjustifiable
Missing the wood for the trees!
Timber sector wants MTE to get the chop
Action on Forest Governance Can Play a Critical Role in Britain’s Post-Brexit International Development Strategy
India’s growing demand for goods impacts forests globally
Myanma Timber Enterprise to respond to Danish teak sanctions
Making Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) work for forests, people and the climate: Civil society recommendations on the future of VPAs
Civil society participation key in international forestry programs in Laos
Delays continue over signing of Guyana-EU trade agreement to combat illegal logging
Myanmar TLAS not a ‘quick-fix’ for legality verification
Briefing: Addressing illegal cross-border timber trade in South Asia
Blazing a trail for timber traceability in Benin
To avoid EU FLEGT-VPA constraints, Cameroonian foresters redirect timber exports to China
Indonesia ups efforts to gain EU recognition for palm oil
Indonesia, EU to strengthen cooperation on environment conservation
EU-standard forestry agreement to be set up
EU trade in wood flooring rising continually since December
Timber Regulation: recent updates and developments
“Smuggle to illegal logging” is ASEAN Forest Crisis
Guyana to sign agreement with EU
FSC Certification Not Far Off for Locally Certified Timber Exporters
Time to fall in behind FLEGT
New project to promote sustainable, legal and responsible timber trade in Viet Nam
Vietnamese Luxury Wooden Furniture Makers Feel Pain of Regulations and Deforestation
width=”15″>Ghana’s FLEGT VPA progress impresses
width=”15″>Study reveals progress and gaps for civil society in VPA and REDD+ processes
Indonesian FLEGT-Compliant Timber Arrives in the UK
Legalizing Cameroon’s timber production chain
Southeast Asia marks progress in combating illegal timber trade
New briefing on VPAs, land-use governance and NDCs
Report flags four factors for action against illegal logging to address
EU and Indonesia hail milestone in partnership against illegal logging
FAO launches traceability publication with African case studies
Indonesia and EU celebrate launch of FLEGT licensing
Vietnam and EU agree in principle on FLEGT VPA
Indonesia and EU launch FLEGT licensing for legal timber to combat illegal logging
The wait is over. FLEGT licences are coming
Staying up to speed on FLEGT online
Jokowi calls for simpler social forestry procedures
2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering to generate great synergy between engineering and architecture
BREXIT and the possible implications on FLEGT; the EUTR, VPA negotiations and FLEGT licensingLeaders stress cooperation on forest management at Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit
Leaders stress cooperation on forest management at Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit
Myanmar’s logging ban a major step towards forest sector reform
Chatham House’s 26th Illegal Logging and Stakeholder Update Meeting report released
Cambodia: After many false starts, first timber auction goes ahead
Ghana to spend US$8.9 billion on 20-year forestry development master plan
China continues to spell potential for global suppliers as wood demand surges
Honduras and the EU complete the fifth round of VPA negotiations
Cambodia: Border province busts yield hundreds of logs
Teak logging for the new parliament, case study
Cambodia: Government sets dates for timber auctions
Ghana and Indonesia: Major progress against illegal logging through Voluntary Partnership Agreements with EU, says study
2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering to generate great synergy between engineering and architecture
EU opens doors to Indonesia’s licensing scheme for exports of verified legal timber
BREXIT and the possible implications on FLEGT; the EUTR, VPA negotiations and FLEGT licensing
Leaders stress cooperation on forest management at Asia Pacific Rainforest Summit
Myanmar’s logging ban a major step towards forest sector reform
Chatham House’s 26th Illegal Logging and Stakeholder Update Meeting report released
Cambodia: After many false starts, first timber auction goes ahead
Ghana to spend US$8.9 billion on 20-year forestry development master plan
China continues to spell potential for global suppliers as wood demand surges
Honduras and the EU complete the fifth round of VPA negotiations
Cambodia: Border province busts yield hundreds of logs
Teak logging for the new parliament, case study
Cambodia: Government sets dates for timber auctions
Ghana and Indonesia: Major progress against illegal logging through Voluntary Partnership Agreements with EU, says study
Republic of the Congo and EU take stock of progress in VPA implementation
Cameroon moves to curb forest loss linked to Chinese investment
Earthsight releases new monitoring resources for civil society
Growth in timber and panel imports to the UK
ITTO analysis of Brexit implications for timber trade and FLEGT
What does Brexit mean for illegal logging and the global timber trade
TTF reaction to EU Aftermath: Market Volatility and Continued Support for EUTR
UK-EU status for the Global Timber Trade
Sharp increase in murders of forest and land defenders
FLEGT licensing in Ghana and Indonesia close to operational
With new Norway-US forest cooperation, support grows to save forests by offsetting flights
Global Plywood issued with search warrant as authorities investigate illegal timber from Peru
Fighting wildlife crime by fighting the illegal timber trade
Civil society report reveals improved governance in VPA countries
Vietnam and the EU break new ground at sixth VPA negotiation session
Hiatus in timber smuggling from Myanmar to China
Illegal Logging Has Become More Violent Than Ever
Illegal Loggers Wage War on Indigenous People in Brazil
Illegal logging resurges on Chinese timber demand – report
Forest rangers blamed for Illegal logging cases near Da Nang
94 feet illegal timber seized in Bandipora
Lawmakers Accuse Tycoons of Illegal Logging
Timber Businesses Gaining Momentum in the Gambia
San Martín forest restored after illegal logging and coca planting
Zanzibar Hosts Regional Timber Trade Meeting
Drones hunt illegal logging in Amazon rain forests
Cong protests illegal felling of trees
FLEGT Week 2015 meeting reports available
China and the EU discuss forest governance cooperation in 2015
Honduras: Free, Prior and Informed Consent principles pave the way for indigenous peoples’ participation in VPA negotiations
Honduras sets the stage for next VPA negotiation session
Guyana and the EU concluded the third Voluntary Partnership Agreement negotiation session
Communication framework for regional FLEGT units and VPA countries in Central Africa
Progress in developing the timber legality assurance system in the Republic of the Congo
VPA implementation in Liberia resumes post-Ebola
Cameroon pioneers private certification for legality verification
Progress towards legal compliance on forest titles and development of a verification system in Cameroon
Sarawak introduces tougher Forests Bill
Indonesia and the EU advance
‘Zero Deforestation’ not necessarily the answer, environmentalists warn
FLEGT Action Plan Governance Progress: Transparency, Accountability, Equity
VPAs in the FLEGT Action Plan – UK Consultation
EUTR UK Consultation
Proforest and the EU REDD Facility publish briefing notes on FLEGT and REDD+
Climate policy sets limits for timber harvesting
Danish timber giant kicked out of Forest Stewardship Council certification scheme
Timber talks Burma and China discuss logging
Musicians Lead Industry Shift, Call for Legal Sourcing of Wood Products
Laos enters negotiation on EU FLEGT
Illegal logging and importance of international cooperation discussed in committee