Import Controls Sub-Working Group Members Hold Their Meeting at TTA

On 24th August 2018, the Import Controls Sub-Working Group meeting was arranged at the Thai Timber Association (TTA). The meeting led by Mr Jirawat Tangkijngamwong, director of Thai Timber Association and the leader of Import Controls Sub-Working Group. The meeting aimed to provide clarification on Thailand’s National Single Window (NSW) to the members as well as to discuss over timber trade in Su-Ngai Kolok, the southern part of Thailand. The meeting also aimed to collect questions from the sub-working group to ask for advice and explanations from the EU and European Forest Institute (EFI) together with to prepare for the upcoming Technical Visit by EFI on 28th August 2018.

Besides responding to the EU’s questions on Import Controls paper, the members also developed questions for the EU to respond regarding the procedure of importing timber from Myanmar. Moreover, there was proposed in the meeting to determine all timber from every country as risky timber in order to standardize the import system to all importing timber. However, in the case of risk determination, the criteria will be used to determine the risk of timber will be species, multiple of shipment, illegal logging statistic, and sanctioned countries.

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