FAO officers together with TFCC/FTI officers had a courtesy visit with the Director of TEFSO

On February 24, 2017, FAO officers together with TFCC/FTI officers had a courtesy visit with the Director of TEFSO, Mr. Banjong Wongsrisoontorn, in order to introduce Ms.Erica Pohnan, the new Consultant of the FAO-FLEGT Programme Asia-Pacific. During the meeting , TFCC/FTI, FAO and TEFSO officers discussed on Verification Mechanisms Ensuring Compliance with the LD and Verification of Unregulated Species (i.e. Rubber,Eucalyptus etc.) on Private Land. Now, there is no any laws or mechanisms certifying these gaps. Therefore, the meeting suggested that TFCC/FTI should take the gap on Verification of Unregulated Species on Private Land as the main point to request a fund for a pilot project. Moreover, this project should emphasize on small enterprises and smallholders who have not accessed to high-priced international standard of certification yet. The pilot project can create a new channel for unregulated timber. Also, it may expand the framework for other tree species in the future.

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