Technical Visit between EFI and Thai Sub-Working Groups

On 27-31 August 2018, Mr Morne Van De Lande from the European Forest Institute (EFI) paid a visit and technically discussed over the FLEGT process in Thailand, especially, the TLAS and supply chain control data flow. His visit started by visiting Mr James Sandom, the TLAS consultant, to better understand the working process of the consultant on 27th August 2018 at Thai – EU Flegt Secretariat Office – TEFSO.

After that, Mr Morne had a meeting with the Import Controls sub-working group to follow up on remaining tasks and documents since the latest EFI technical meeting. The sub-working group presented updates based on the resolutions within the sub-working group meeting which was seen to be overall covered most significant details of the EUTR. However, Mr Morne will send any additional comments to the sub-working group for the further process. In the afternoon on the same day, he had a chance to listen about E-Tree system which is a system designed by the Thai Royal Forest Department to be used as a self-declaration for operators in Thailand.

On 29th August, the TLAS and SCC data flow had been discussed and partly revised between TLAS and SCC sub-working group and Mr Morne. He suggested Thailand adjust all dataflow tables from each source to be aligned and consistent with other tables. In this regard, the sub-working group will develop this document which will also be followed on the next Video Conference on December 2018.

On 3oth August, Mr Morne had followed up on E-Tree related project by RECOFTC as well as listening to Thai National Single Window and some additional information on E-Tree which are important parts of the supply chain control of Thailand.

Before his returning trip on 31st August, he, again, paid a visit to Thai – EU Flegt Secretariat Office (TEFSO) for summarising significant points to be further processed. Moreover, he agreed to send the additional questions (if any) together with the suggestions to Thailand later on.


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