Conclusion of the Mini Field Test towards SME

At 10 am. on 18 January 2017, Mr.Peter Viehbeck from EU Forest Institute (EFI) met Mr. Thammanoon Akkarapin, Director of Permission Bureau, and RFD officers. Mr.Thada Suwanwimon presented “National Single Window” that RFD has used as a database for the shipping of timber and timber products. Then, Mr.Peter Viehbeck concluded the mini field test which was on 16-17 January 2017. The goal of this test was to explore the approach of smallholder towards Legality Definition (LD). However, smallholders whom he met differed from the meaning of “SME”. Moreover, Thailand does not restrict gender equality in forest and timber activities. Female can access to a decision to run or manipulate their own business. Furthermore, they discussed on the topic of permission to operate forest and timber activities in Thailand, including sawing and exportation. Those must depend on related law and act.

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