Thailand has arranged FLEGT VPA Ad-Hoc WG meeting on Supply Chain Control no.1/2016 at Maruay Garden Hotel, Bangkok on 30 August 2016, There were 48 participants attended the meeting, Mr.Pralong Damrongthai, DDG of RFD was the chairman of the meeting.
TEFSO presented the overview flowchart of supply chain control (SCC) in Thailand. After presented, participants divided into two groups to discuss on the first draft of Supply Chain Control.
The representative from Government sectors discussed and presented new structure of Supply Chain Control flowchart .However, the meeting disagreed with the new one and suggested TEFSO corrected the commented from the government sector and revised it’s on the first draft .
The RECOFTC and CSOs recommended to added more information and detail into the flowchart, such as Chain saw regulation, but the meeting disagree with this proposal and suggest that the draft of Supply Chain Control should presented the overview of Supply Chain Control in Thailand, so it shouldn’t put a lot of information on it.