Video Conference between Thai and EU

Video Conference between Thai and EU, On 6 October 2015 at The Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, 16.00-18.00Kian Gwan House II, 19th Floor. Mr.Pralong darongthai, DDG of RFD is the representative of Thai side and Mr. Luca Perez,Policy Officer and EU-Thailand VPA focal point, DG Environment–Unit E.2, European Commission is the representative of EU side. DDG of RFD Presents the current negotiation structure of Thai side on VPA negotiation process with EU and present product scope meeting plan, the currently version of Legality Definition and next step on providing the Indicator and Verifier with consultant supported by EU. In addition, Thai and EU discuss on the tentative roadmap/work plan the possibility of arranging the first negotiation including to venue, date and topic.

(ENG) Technical VC Minute Meeting On 6Oct15
(ENG) Technical VC Minute Meeting On 6Oct15
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